You show it to your children and family. Place it in the center of the dining room, to make it more visible.
Then, this object is integrated into the interior becomes part of your home, slowly poisoning you and your family members.
What nonsense! -This can't happen! Who in their right mind would bring home a toxic object to harm their health?
Well, this is exactly what happens with all kinds of epoxy tables and other elaborations that have recently become fashionable pieces in the interiors of our homes.
To begin with, explain that epoxy resins are chemical substances that, in contact with a hardener, form a transparent plastic.
Their use is quite common. They are included in different paints and protect different surfaces. They are also used to make some furniture.
The process is as follows.
A mold is created. It can contain inlays, colored objects, etc.. And all this is filled with liquid epoxy resin can form a colorful and original piece.
The problem, my friends, is in its composition.
Epichlorohydrin is a chemical compound that, at room temperature, is released into the atmosphere and becomes part of the air we breathe. Because of their small size, they evade the body's defenses and filters. They enter the respiratory tract and from there directly into the blood. In other words, a Volatile Organic Compound - the famous VOC.
They can cause irritability of the nasal mucosa, inflammation of the respiratory tract, headaches, allergies, asthma, bronchitis and the list goes on.
The second component of epoxy resins is also no better.
Bisphenol A is released into the atmosphere, deposited on surfaces and becomes part of the household dust we breathe. This is called a Semi Volatile Organic Compound (SVOC).
Bisphenol A has become quite popular recently and is used in many places. It is part of various plastics, dyes, flame retardant materials, packaging and even pizza boxes and containers.
That is, a substance that acts as a pseudohormone. It replaces some hormones and alters the hormonal balance in the body.
It has been shown that endocrine disruptors are not limited to acting on the hormonal system. They can affect brain connections, the nervous and immune systems, etc.
This can lead to a variety of diseases, ranging from metabolic disorders, reproductive function disorders, contributes to the occurrence of diseases caused by hormonal imbalance, etc.
Animal experiments with bisphenol A have shown that even a small dose of exposure (even a small dose, folks) can lead to the development of breast cancer, diabetes, fertility problems, neurological disorders and much more.
Among other things, this is because an average four-year-old child breathes 25 breaths per minute, while an adult breathes about 15.
In other words, children breathe more, exchange oxygen more frequently and get more waste into their blood.
And we must also understand that children are in the process of development. Many processes in them are determined by hormone levels and, if they are altered, various developmental defects, etc., can occur. I don't want to sound sensationalist, but that's the way it is.
So friends, from all that has been said, be careful what you bring into your home. Beware of trinkets and other spices and take care of your health.
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Imagine bringing a polluting object into your home. Put it in the center of the dining room and enjoy the sight of it, while it slowly poisons you and your family members. This does not happen! - You will say. Come on in and we'll see it here.
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